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Health Talk
Sunday, 14 June 2009

The benefits of red wine resveratrol extract supplements first came into prominence during the 1990s as people pondered on the French people's high fat diet and more pronounced smoking habit, yet unusually lower incidences of heart disease. According to current research, however, the levels found in a typical bottle of red wine will require people to drink hundreds of bottles per day to get enough resveratrol in their systems as was used in laboratory experiments to facilitate the cardiovascular benefits.

Subjects put through a high-fat diet, along with high doses of resveratrol, were shown to be at less risk of developing heart diseases (as evidenced by lowered insulin levels, inflammation and blood clotting) than even those who go on a normal diet without the red wine resveratrol extract supplements. With further testing, the benefits of resveratrol have been shown to go beyond the confines of cardiovascular health.

One study, for instance, found that subjects fed a diet comprised of 60% fat, along with 22mg/kg of resveratrol, had a 30% longer life expectancy than those who didn't supplement with the substance.

Additional benefits of resveratrol shown during tests include:

* prevention of various types of cancers
* prevention of diabetes and neuro-degenerative diseases
* better performance on tests of balance
* better endurance
* increased coordination

As the research into this amazing substance furthers, the more we can look forward to the amazing benefits of red wine resveratrol extract supplements in many aspects of our health and wellness. The news gets even better, though - we can all partake in these benefits today, with healthy doses of the substance available in an easily accessible form like Resveratrol Select supplements.

Posted by urbanover at 9:02 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 14 June 2009 9:07 PM EDT
Friday, 27 March 2009
Thinking Of Whitening My Teeth
Mood:  cool

What do you think about hydrogen peroxide teeth whitening? I don't exactly have terrible stains but my teeth are yellowish but people say yellow is the natural color of teeth - not white although of course, aesthetically white teeth are more appealing. Blame it on the superficial society of today where people are judged by how they look where appearances are everything.

Some people also say they use over the counter teeth whitening trays and whitening gels. Those with mostly ok teeth say results are quite good considering the relatively cheaper cost when compared to professional teeth whitening that can run into several hundred dollars. Take for example this friend of mine who has been using home remedies to whiten teeth - he says it's a little messy but since his teeth are basically in good condition but just that they're a little grey he wants to have a whiter shade.

It took several weeks but he noticed that his teeth are whiter now. All this is good but as with professional teeth whitening, stains will occur due to the food and drink we take everyday and eventually, our teeth will be stained to some degree whether we like it or not and no matter how much car we take to avoid staining foods.

We can slow down the staining and prolong the whiteness of teeth longer but bottom line is, teeth will get stained. And so it's also for this precise reason that he sees little point in paying professional dentist whitening cost when after all, it's not going to make the whiteness last any longer than home remedies or the best teeth whitening products available.

Well he has a point. What do you think?


Posted by urbanover at 5:58 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 18 April 2010 5:48 AM EDT
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
Laser Liposuction Prices

Seems like everyone is getting liposuction these days, never mind that liposuction prices often run into thousands of dollars. A simple nip tuck on the bum is a few thousand dollars and after that, you have to endure a few weeks of recovery with the result that no one even notices that your bum is smaller anyway.

There are also liposuction procedures for the chin, arms and legs or any part of the body you are unhappy with. For those hard to reach places, there is laser liposuction to take care of it. Most people end up undergoing more than one procedure because plastic surgeons will try to persuade you to add on other surgeries while you're in a vulnerable state on the operating table.

There are now even special liposuction loans tailored for those who want do some nip tucking but can't afford it. At what cost liposuction is becoming an invasive part of our lives?

Posted by urbanover at 5:30 AM EST
Updated: Sunday, 14 June 2009 9:01 PM EDT
Thursday, 17 July 2008
Get Rid Of Acne Scars With Natural Home Remedies
Mood:  energetic
As if having acne is not bad enough, many acne sufferers end up having to live with acne scars that are often permanent. If you're looking for the best acne scar removal treatment, the information here will be helpful to you.

Is it possible to get rid of acne scars? Having acne is bad enough without having to go through living with acne scars. Apparently acne, once thought of as part of the natural growing up process is now something that should be tackled before it gets out of hand to cause not just physical but also psychological damage.

Although acne is commonly found in teenagers, many suffer acne well into adulthood. And it is these people who often end up with acne scars since your skin looses its natural healing ability and becomes less supple and elastic with age. The result is having acne scars that remain permanently on the skin. This can be very damaging to a person's self esteem and confidence given society's overbearing emphasis on physical beauty.

Therefore, the beauty industry has developed into a multi-billion dollar one with many kinds of products and treatment to get rid of acne scars. But as with beauty treatment, results of scalp acne may not always be satisfactory since many factors come into play.

What affects acne scar removal success?

One of the most important would be the patient's own health status. Some people are born with poorer skin and healing abilities resulting in reduced chances of success. Acne is also thought to be hereditary, so if it's in your genes, there's really nothing much you can do about it since you are predisposed to having bad skin.

Changing your diet and lifestyle, and taking note of how to get rid of acne scars may help some, but it is not likely to have any effect if you are predisposed to having acne or your skin has poorer healing abilities. Again, if your skin responds to better diet and exercise, then you stand a chance to get rid of acne scars.

Posted by urbanover at 5:53 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 9 March 2010 1:48 AM EST

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