The benefits of red wine resveratrol extract supplements first came into prominence during the 1990s as people pondered on the French people's high fat diet and more pronounced smoking habit, yet unusually lower incidences of heart disease. According to current research, however, the levels found in a typical bottle of red wine will require people to drink hundreds of bottles per day to get enough resveratrol in their systems as was used in laboratory experiments to facilitate the cardiovascular benefits.
Subjects put through a high-fat diet, along with high doses of resveratrol, were shown to be at less risk of developing heart diseases (as evidenced by lowered insulin levels, inflammation and blood clotting) than even those who go on a normal diet without the red wine resveratrol extract supplements. With further testing, the benefits of resveratrol have been shown to go beyond the confines of cardiovascular health.
One study, for instance, found that subjects fed a diet comprised of 60% fat, along with 22mg/kg of resveratrol, had a 30% longer life expectancy than those who didn't supplement with the substance.
Additional benefits of resveratrol shown during tests include:
* prevention of various types of cancers
* prevention of diabetes and neuro-degenerative diseases
* better performance on tests of balance
* better endurance
* increased coordination
As the research into this amazing substance furthers, the more we can look forward to the amazing benefits of red wine resveratrol extract supplements in many aspects of our health and wellness. The news gets even better, though - we can all partake in these benefits today, with healthy doses of the substance available in an easily accessible form like Resveratrol Select supplements.