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Health Talk
Thursday, 17 July 2008
Get Rid Of Acne Scars With Natural Home Remedies
Mood:  energetic
As if having acne is not bad enough, many acne sufferers end up having to live with acne scars that are often permanent. If you're looking for the best acne scar removal treatment, the information here will be helpful to you.

Is it possible to get rid of acne scars? Having acne is bad enough without having to go through living with acne scars. Apparently acne, once thought of as part of the natural growing up process is now something that should be tackled before it gets out of hand to cause not just physical but also psychological damage.

Although acne is commonly found in teenagers, many suffer acne well into adulthood. And it is these people who often end up with acne scars since your skin looses its natural healing ability and becomes less supple and elastic with age. The result is having acne scars that remain permanently on the skin. This can be very damaging to a person's self esteem and confidence given society's overbearing emphasis on physical beauty.

Therefore, the beauty industry has developed into a multi-billion dollar one with many kinds of products and treatment to get rid of acne scars. But as with beauty treatment, results of scalp acne may not always be satisfactory since many factors come into play.

What affects acne scar removal success?

One of the most important would be the patient's own health status. Some people are born with poorer skin and healing abilities resulting in reduced chances of success. Acne is also thought to be hereditary, so if it's in your genes, there's really nothing much you can do about it since you are predisposed to having bad skin.

Changing your diet and lifestyle, and taking note of how to get rid of acne scars may help some, but it is not likely to have any effect if you are predisposed to having acne or your skin has poorer healing abilities. Again, if your skin responds to better diet and exercise, then you stand a chance to get rid of acne scars.

Posted by urbanover at 5:53 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 9 March 2010 1:48 AM EST

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